
Category: Indoor Location Services

indoor positioning system ips
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What is an Indoor Positioning System (IPS)

An Indoor Positioning System (IPS) is used to locate equipment and/or people inside a building. Click here for an in-depth review.

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ECommerce level insights for Physical Spaces

Discover the importance of seamlessly integrating analytics across digital and physical realms for a holistic understanding of customer behavior.

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Indoor Location Tracking to reach $24BN by 2027

Indoor location technology has rapidly grown to become a significant market and shows no signs of slowing.

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The Purple Indoor Location Services Maturity Model

The Purple ‘Indoor Location Services Maturity Model’ shows a list of solutions available, and how effective they are when combined to meet expectations.

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The Origins of Geomagnetic Wayfinding

Animals have been using Earth's geomagnetic field for aeons to communicate and navigate around the globe. See how we use the same methods for digital wayfinding

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Accessibility Essentials for Real-Time Location Services

Understand why taking the time to consider accessibility can make a world of difference to millions of visitors by reading Accessibility Essentials for RTLS.

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blog header large navigating the infoors
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Navigating the Indoors: The Challenges of indoor positioning technology

Digital navigation is an essential part of daily life with billions finding their way every day, so why has indoor navigation yet to gain the same popularity?

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blog header large why join ppp
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The road to increased revenue with the Purple Partner Program

Start driving success and new revenue by joining the Purple Partner Program. See what benefits we have to offer!

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why big tech is backing purple in a major way
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Why big tech is backing Purple in a major way: An interview with Chris Dedicoat

After a 23-year stint in Silicon Valley, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa - Cisco’s former EVP, Chris Dedicoat, is back in the UK to champion fast-paced technological innovation.

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how retail marketing must evolve for 2023
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How retail marketing must evolve for 2023

Staying relevant in an ever-changing landscape is making it difficult for retailers to retain customer loyalty. See how retailers must evolve their marketing in 2023.

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asset tracking
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Asset Tracking: What is it, how does it work, and what are the benefits?

The world of digital healthcare is quickly becoming vital to the survival of healthcare facilities. See how asset tracking works and the possible benefits.

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intelligent healthcare rtls|asset tracking for venue devices|laptop tracking existing assets|laptop tracking existing assets 1|asset tracking set automated alert|asset tracking set automated alert 1|medication asset tracking step 1|wayfinding incident reporting 1|patience experience through digital wayfinding|wayfinding travel integrations 1|wayfinding travel integrations 1 1|wayfinding blue dot location|appointment discipline through wayfinding|less reliant on staff|wayfinding blue dot location 1|existing staff experience|wheelchair asset location|staff efficiency
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Intelligent Healthcare: How real-time location services benefit patient experiences and boost hospital efficiency

The future of healthcare is intelligent. But how will it benefit patient experience and optimize existing processes?

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Digital Health: The benefits of optimizing patient journeys

Take a look at how digital health solutions can impact the patient experience in this new

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6 ways businesses can benefit from indoor location services
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6 Ways Businesses Can Benefit from Indoor Location Services

Discover 6 real examples of businesses benefitting from indoor location services. From in-depth visitor analytics to enhanced venue safety and more!

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encourage more visits and manage overflow in healthcare facility
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How to encourage more visits and manage overflow in a growing Healthcare Facility

The Covid19 pandemic has seen many people postpone their healthcare visits out of fear of infection, how can healthcare facilities encourage patients to return?

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