Get to know Purple People – Jenny Wren, Operations Manager

Get to know Purple People - Jenny Wren
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1) What is your very first memory?

Two of my first memories were to do with my grandad.  Us girls could get away with anything with him and I remember doing his hair for him using a corkscrew and a fork (as you do!) the other was washing his beer bottles – because he brewed his own beer he used to let me wash the bottles out when I was there, pulling the cleaning brush out of the bottle really quick meant he used to get soaked stood next to me.

2) What were you doing before you joined Purple WiFi?

I was still looking after Gavin 🙂 I worked for him at his previous company and he’s been stuck with me ever since.

3) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an English teacher and up until leaving school at 16 that was still my plan.

4) Do you have a nickname?

Ooooh yes! My dad has called me Jeffiner since I was a baby.  My hubby has shortened it and calls me Jeff now though! 

5) Describe your role at Purple in one sentence

Challenging, enjoyable and different!

6) What do you like about working here?

I love the people.  We’ve got a fantastic team of people who genuinely care about each other and the company.  

7) What’s your best achievement so far at Purple? (what are you proud of?)

Where do I start? We’ve come a very long way since day one. We’ve seen processes implemented and lots of new staff coming on board.  I think I’m proud of everything that’s been done so far, we’ve come a very long way and long may that continue.

8) How would your co-workers describe you?


9) What’s the hardest thing you have ever had to do?

Pass my driving test.  I did it at 17 but it was literally one of the hardest things i’ve ever done.  My mum pretty much taught me to drive and I used to drive us both to work – more often than not we’d get there not speaking because I hadn’t listened to a word she said along the way! I passed first time though so it was well worth it.  

10) What quality do you most admire in others?


11) Which person has been the greatest influence in your life and why?

Both of my parents.  I was a typical teenager that thought I knew everything when actually I didn’t.  They helped guide me in life and I know I can always talk to them about anything I need to and ask for help (especially when it comes to DIY – thanks dad!)

12) What’s your biggest regret?

I don’t have any regrets.  I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t taken the path that I have.  

13) What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m REALLY boring! I love nothing more than spending time with my hubby, watching boxsets, dog walking and spending time with family.  I only have my parents and brother local to me but since I got married my extended family has become huge and we enjoy nothing more than all being together as one big family now.

14) What is your favourite film?

Anything Disney – my favourite childhood film was Sword in the Stone.

15) What makes you happy?

Helping other people and seeing them happy.

16) What gift would you like to receive if money was no object?

A holiday home – very close to Disneyland!

17) Which cause are you most passionate about?

Anything to do with animals, it breaks my heart thinking that anyone can be so cruel to them.

18) If you’re in trouble, who would you call?

My dad! If my dad can’t fix something or make it right then no-one can!

19) If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and why?

Probably to be in multiple places at once.  Imagine how productive I could be!

20) Finally, how would you spend a day with no access to technology?

I’d probably spend the day relaxing, feeling like i’d lost my right arm and worrying that people were trying to get in touch with me because something had gone horribly wrong (to later find no-one even needed me!)

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