Purple and Meraki provide the WiFi at UK Cisco Partner Event

Purple and Meraki provide the WiFi at UK Cisco Partner Event|Cisco-partner-foum-header-2|Cisco-partner-forum-header||||||
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Last week we headed down to Brighton for the first of two UK Cisco Partner Forum events. We hosted a shared stand with Cisco Meraki, which meant we could showcase the joined up Purple + Meraki solution with live data from the event on our TV screen.

We pulled some of the event data from the portal to show you what the event was like. Don’t say we never give you anything!

The stats

From these overviews we can see that the event was well attended, with 187 people logging in to the WiFi throughout the course of the day. 102 of those people are male and 32 are female. And the most popular browser was Safari, using iOS as the operating system – clearly lots of the attendees were Apple fans. The data from the Meraki dashboard backs this up too, with 153 Apple devices.

The stats from the Meraki dashboard show us that the total usage spikes around 11am, 2pm and 4pm – right around the times when there were comfort breaks and people would be logging in when they had a little free time throughout the event.

The majority of attendees used our our quick registration form to log in, but 42 used LinkedIn, 24 opted for Facebook and 15 used their Twitter accounts.

The age breakdown shows us that the vast majority of attendees were males aged between 35 and 44. The second highest age groups were those between 25 and 34, and 45 to 54.

This is one of our favourite reports, because it doesn’t just show you the hard facts like demographics (although they’re important too). The pie chart really gives you a sense of what the attendees at the event are into – unsurprisingly for Cisco partners, the technology industry is a big feature here, and also sport. Not so much a musical group though, with only 6.6% having this listed as an interest. The percentage of attendees who list supporting charitable causes is also way above the national average at 12.3%, but we aren’t surprised at this.

All of this data is just a snapshot of the power of Purples’ WiFi Analytics with Meraki, and we’re looking forward to seeing how the results compare next week.

We’ll be at the Radisson Blu, Manchester Airport on Tuesday 6th December for the next Cisco Partner Forum.

Last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to Yatin, Oli, Elisa and Brett, for helping to organise such an enjoyable event. 

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