Purple WiFi confirmed as Wireless Broadband Alliance members

Purple WiFi confirmed as Wireless Broadband Alliance members
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Purple WiFi are proud to announce that we are now members of the Wireless Broadband Alliance. Having attended the key events over the last two years we’ve always wanted to be a part of the community and that wasn’t possible until now.

Who are the WBA?

The Wireless Broadband Alliance aims to secure an outstanding WiFi user experience by global deployment of next generation WiFi.

The WBA aims to make the WiFi experience easier, more secure and increase its availability. To ensure that roaming is more efficient and more reliable for the operators and service providers, the WBA works alongside its members and associates and produces specifications, guidelines, resources and collaborative work that will ensure that the WiFi message is promoted and the spread and development of WiFi throughout the world is encouraged. Executives, experts and members speak and contribute to key industry events.

WBA key priorities

The WBA endeavours to make it easier for operators all over the world to work together on a common technical framework, improving user end to end experience and rolling out WiFi in sparsely populated areas.

Next Generation Hotspots

The WBA Next Generation Hotspot Initiative is promising new levels of access, security and robustness to WiFi operators and users. Purple WiFi are already a part of this and are leading the way by ensuring that their platform is HotSpot 2.0 enabled.

WBA events

As part of our membership, we will be attending the main Global Congress events such as the next WiFi Global Congress in London this May. Other events can be found on their website.

Purple WiFi’s comment:

Gavin Wheeldon, CEO Purple WiFi commented, “With so much interest in Purple WiFi from carriers and service providers, joining the WBA was an obvious next move for us. We will use our membership for networking, building on existing and developing new relationships, keeping up with developments and accessing the latest information and research. We very much look forward to being a part of the WBA community.”

A word from the WBA

Ton Brand, Senior Director of Marketing and Industry Development of the WBA, added, “We are delighted to have Purple WiFi, one of the UK’s leading WiFi enablers, join our global alliance. As wireless broadband connectivity becomes increasingly important, our objective is to facilitate wireless broadband access globally. Our members will significantly benefit from Purple WiFi.”

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