Elevate their stay with Seamless Guest WiFi
Our Guest WiFi solution keeps guests happy with the premium online experience they expect. What’s more, it enables you to get to know them, offer discounts on the amenities they’d love to treat themselves with and make them want to come back for their next stay.
We understand the challenges hotels face
Competition for Guests: Hotels deal with hot competition to retain guests in a world saturated with options, from boutique spas to quick city escapes.
Elevated Expectations: Travelers expect bespoke experiences and seamless service, raising the bar for hotel companies.
Operational Efficiency: Mounting costs and staffing challenges require hotels to streamline operations and maximize efficiency without compromising quality.
Key Features
Capture valuable guest data to offer tailor-made experiences: Understand preferences and personalize every touchpoint of the guest journey. Purple collects 50% more CRM data than other marketing channels.
Deliver a seamless WiFi experience: Provide easy and reliable connectivity that guests will love. 36% of consumers won't return to a hotel after a bad WiFi experience.
Drive revenue with targeted promotions: Promote amenities and offers guests will truly value based on their data.
Simplify IT management: Combine your existing infrastructure with Purple's easy-to-use Guest WiFi solution.
Paid, premium WiFi: Generate extra revenue from guests using Purple’s fully flexible paid WiFi solution, and increase income by 28%.
Make sure they enjoy their stay with a fuss-free WiFi experience
Combine your existing IT infrastructure with Purple’s Guest WiFi solution to provide guests with a fuss-free connection that they’ll enjoy using, and will boost your revenue.