Stop people getting lost in your venue
Get visitors where they need to be, reducing staff interruptions and providing for those with accessibility needs

Get visitors to where they need to be, on time
Visitors to large, complex venues frequently get lost. This causes them to be late to, or miss appointments, increasing anxiety and decreasing their experience. Digital wayfinding provides visitors with turn-by-turn routes from off to onsite as well as around your venue, to get visitors where they need to be, on time.
Provide the best route for those with accessibility requirements
With 25% of US adults having an accessibility need, it's crucial you ensure your venue meets their requirements. Visitors using Purple Wayfinding can select mobility-aid-friendly turn-by-turn routes around your facility. Our fonts, contrast levels, colors, and responsive design all meet WCAG 2.0AA guidelines, to ensure everyone has an improved experience in your venue.
Reduce staff interruptions
Lost visitors ask staff for help, wasting their time and causing interruption to their work. The average interruption for directions lasting 10 minutes, making staff unfocussed and distracted.
Increase new staff efficiency and productivity
New staff find it difficult to navigate around new and ever-changing buildings. Purple's wayfinding not only helps visitors self-navigate but also helps staff using staff-only maps showing areas not available to the public, helping them to find their way around efficiently.
Increase visitor satisfaction
Provide even more than directions to your visitors to enhance their experience. Give them the information they need while they are in your venue, with interactive maps that can display information about points of interest such as opening times, product offerings or their nearest parking garage
Discover Purple's Solutions
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