Purple WiFi and Ruckus deliver WiFi and analytics for 70,000 ton floating museum

Purple WiFi and Ruckus deliver WiFi and analytics for 70
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In partnership with Ruckus Wireless and Equinox Telecom, Purple WiFi has redefined the guest experience in one of the most challenging and exciting networking environments we’ve seen to date – the USS Midway Museum, San Diego.

The USS Midway is the world’s most visited historic naval ship. The ship is the length of three football fields, as high as a 20 storey building, contains 2000 compartments and weighs almost 70,000 tons. The surface of the flight deck covers more than four acres. Docked in San Diego Bay, the USS Midway has more than 200 exhibits, nine classrooms and shops, all of which attract a whopping 1.2 million visitors every year.

Of course, it wasn’t just the sheer size of the project that presented a problem; the ship’s solid steel construction was quite literally a barrier to delivering the wireless solution. The USS Midway chose Ruckus because their technology creates a robust, reliable WiFi infrastructure in even the most challenging and unusual environments.  

Once it was proven that the Ruckus access points solved the connection and signal problems the ship had previously experienced, the door was open to implement some of the smartest technology around. This is where Purple WiFi comes in. As Joe describes in the video, the USS Midway is using Purple WiFi technology to facilitate WiFi logins through social networks that guests already use and trust. The Purple dashboard also shows the museum’s management valuable data that helps them to personalise the guest experience.

Read more about the deployment on the Ruckus press release.

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