Brussels South Charleroi Airport

Learn how Brussels South Charleroi Airport saving more than €2.6 million by utilizing Purple’s MicroSurvey functionality

Key Results



Using MicroSurveys instead of traditional survey methods


Unique users

Since improving and optimising their guest WiFi with Purple



To survey campaigns through including in the WiFi authentication journey

visitors desktop


The aviation industry has experienced numerous changes and has been subjected to a rapidly changing environment. Recent global events have changed consumers’ expectations of the travel experience, and Brussels South Charleroi Airport wanted to adapt to these shifts in order to meet customers’ needs.

The airport needed a platform that provided the capabilities to reach untapped opportunities, offer travelers distinct options, and improve customer experience through understanding more clearly who their customers are and what they expect.

Understand key demographic information to build travelers’ profiles
Grow and develop its current flight destination network
Improve marketing campaigns to increase conversions and drive revenue
generic survey


Purple’s MicroSurvey functionality allowed Charleroi Airport to create and customize surveys to get a complete understanding of the traveler’s sentiment and preferences. The airport utilized this tool to find out which destinations passengers would like to fly from Charleroi airport and responses were aggregated in real-time, providing reports within the platform with unique actionable insights such as:

Additionally, the use of Purple’s LogicFlow tool enabled the airport to seamlessly automate a variety of languages depending on the visitor preferences, including English, French or Dutch. This functionality has prevented any language gaps and limitations that ultimately affect the service and the passenger experience when in the airport.

Identifying, in order of importance, each new destination they had as an option to open new routes
Increasing the quality of the service by providing options that are aligned with travelers’ preferences
Providing market insights to airline business partners aimed at strengthening commercial relationships and drive revenue for both parties
Drive increased airport footfall by launching new destinations that will have an effect on new and returning visits
brussle scase study

Return on Investment

In the 2 years since Purple was implemented the airport has seen 689,615 unique users and a total of 1,235,051 WiFi logins. The MicroSurvey functionality was activated at no extra cost and it has greatly influenced ROI performance as a result of providing customer data and insights. With an open rate of 86%, the airport received 89,845 survey responses to analyze the top 5 destination options that passengers would like to fly from Charleroi Airport

By using the automated and real-times surveys tool, Brussels South Charleroi Airport was able to make savings of €2,695,350, instead of manually gathering feedback from travelers, resulting in an ROI of 10,630%. The success of this project has impacted not only footfall and engagement indicators, but also provided endless opportunities for Brussels South Charleroi Airport to open commercial alliances and build long-lasting relationships.

689,615 unique users and a total of 1,235,051 WiFi logins
89,845 survey responses gathered
Savings of €2,695,350 versus cost of collection through traditional methods
brussels south charleroi airport logo png transparent

With the implementation of Purple’s tools, we are now able to offer a high-quality service to our passengers while gathering insights that allow us to understand the needs and expectations of our different passenger profiles and thus be able to identify concrete actions to improve the customer experience.

Elise Eeklaer
Client Relationship Coordinator @ Brussels Charleroi Airport

About Brussels South Charleroi Airport

Brussels South Charleroi Airport offers access to more than 190 destinations in 53 countries to 8 million passengers every year and has recently opened the second terminal building. The airport has been rewarded on multiple occasions for its operational expertise, punctuality, and the quality of the services it provides.


Company size

Brussels South Charleroi Airport has 319 employees with millions of passengers passing through each year


Brussels, Belgium.

Use Cases

Utilizing Purple’s MicroSurvey functionality

Enhancing the travelers’ experience using LogicFlow automation for language preferences

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