The Channel Purple – reseller news update

Purple WiFi reseller survey
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Purple WiFi shocking survey results

In an effort to further understand the nature of how organisations in our key target sectors provide guest WiFi, and to ascertain new sales and marketing opportunities for our reseller partners, we have conducted a global survey of over 3500 organisations in retail, leisure and hospitality.

“a compelling sales and marketing message”

The results of our research have highlighted some key factors that will really help to shape the way that our reseller partners can position Purple WiFi and how to identify real sales opportunities.

Are your customers protected?

“It’s staggering to note that almost 90% of everyone surveyed have WiFi networks that are either completely open (29%) or where a standard password is given out (57%).

 This means there is no way of those businesses linking activity to a user, which is not best practice. Although there are variances in the detail, most countries have a requirement to protect data, retain data and demonstrate a prevention of illegal activity such as file sharing and illegal downloading. Almost 90% of the businesses we surveyed could not do any of the above.”

Our results clearly demonstrate that many businesses are unaware of their social responsibility and best practice to provide legally compliant guest WiFi. By unwittingly allowing people to engage in illegal activity, such as downloading copyrighted material on their network, could result in the venue owner facing prosecution themselves.

Purple WiFi goes beyond the legal guidelines in most countries when collecting data about the users and their activity.  Should a law enforcement agency make a request  for details relating to a crime, we can oblige by providing all of the required information, taking the worry and responsibility away from the venue owners. This simple fact makes for a compelling sales and marketing message. By highlighting to your customers the safest approach to providing WiFi and by indicating that they are wide open for prosecution if their WiFi is exploited, really does make for a strong sales message.  A simple question such as “is your guest WiFi legally compliant?” will get the conversations started, and in most cases identify a requirement for them to upgrade to Purple WiFi.


Purple WiFi Distributor update

Our development team are working very hard to ensure that Purple WiFi is integrated with as many of the leading wireless brands as possible, making sure that we provide the best choice for our partners.   To complement their efforts, our commercial team have also been doing their bit. They have brought on board some of the world’s leading distribution partners, each with a different portfolio of supported hardware. Resellers can now offer an unrivalled selection of equipment; including Cisco, Cisco Meraki, Airtight, Ruckus, TP Link and Netgear; and with more availability than any other guest WiFi provider.

In recent months we have entered into distribution agreements with Ingram Micro, Purdicom, e92Plus, Comstor, Minerva, Wood Communications, and Alternetivo with many more being signed from across the globe in the very near future.

To find out more about our distributors or which hardware brands are supported, then please contact your account manager.

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