Purple WiFi and Wavelink join forces to offer Social WiFi
April 30, 2014 – Purple WiFi has signed a distribution agreement with enterprise mobility and UC Solutions distributor, Wavelink. The agreement will see the addition of Purple WiFi’s cloud-based, Social WiFi solution, which includes presence analytics and location based services, to Wavelink’s portfolio of products. By entering into a distribution…
Does social media actually improve society?
Today’s society faces many challenges: unemployment, crime, poverty, loneliness to name but a few. We’ve had a think about whether social media can be used to help eliminate some of the problems society faces and help to create happier, healthier lifestyles. 1. Can social media decrease loneliness? Loneliness motivates an…
Purple WiFi to deliver WiFi offering for City of York as part of North partnership
April 23, 2014: Purple WiFi, the cloud-based Social WiFi software company will be working with North, one of the UK’s leading Managed Services Providers, and Ruckus Wireless, the global WiFi technology pioneer, to deliver a secure and legal Social WiFi solution for City of York Council. The fully supported service…
Risks of providing free customer WiFi in Australia
It’s a little known fact outside of the land down under that WiFi is an Australian invention. The Australian Government’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) invented and patented wireless LAN technology in the 1990s. Today, WiFi is nearly ubiquitous in Australia as households and businesses use the technology…
Can social media alter your mood?
Positivity breeds positivity Psychologists have long been aware that positivity breeds positivity in others. We also know that praise and reward has a greater impact on good behaviour than punishment has on stopping bad behaviour. It’s therefore no surprise that both of these psychological rules also apply in the online…
Splash page and e-shots – new functionality explained
Purple WiFi is always innovating, changing and adapting to new technology. We’re keen to give our customers and resellers the tools they need to make the Purple WiFi product work for them. That’s why we’re introducing a brand new splash page and e-shots. Dom, our Training Manager, will be organising…
Can stores really compete with online shopping?
Facts and figures Today’s newly released ONS (Office of National Statistics) retail figures show a clear upward trend in the retail market, with an increase of 3.7% compared to February 2013. Increasingly customers are more confident in spending their money and inflation in stores is at an all time low.…
Channel 4 News features Purple WiFi
Our CEO, Gavin Wheeldon and I had a busy day out of the office last week filming with Channel 4 News. Having read about what we do within the retail sector, one of the programme’s journalists wanted to come and see Purple WiFi in action, for himself. So, we decided…
We present to The Duke of York
Purple WiFi has reached the final shortlist for Pitch @ Palace, an opportunity for innovative regional start-ups to showcase their talent. The event is backed by Prince Andrew, The Duke of York. Pitch @ Palace will be held at St. James’ Palace, London in early April. Shortlisted businesses (like us!)…
Key US appointment marks expansion in Americas
19 March 2014 Purple WiFi rolls out global strategy with key US appointment Cloud-based social WiFi provider, Purple WiFi, is investing in its US expansion with the recruitment of Anne Lakstigala to the role of Vice President, Americas. This strategic appointment enables Purple WiFi to fully implement its US sales plans,…
Is Facebook really in decline?
Is Facebook in decline? We keep reading that young people prefer Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter to Facebook these days. Apparently if you use Facebook you are ‘officially old and uncool’. Or so a recent report tells us. This Global Social Media Impact study suggests that the reason for teenagers…
Family friendly Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral wanted to take action following recent reports that public WiFi is being used to access explicit content and that 58% of venues worldwide currently have no content filtering in place. They implemented the Purple WiFi platform in order to deliver a secure and legal Social WiFi solution and…
The Internet of Things
Global shipments of WiFi enabled devices hit 1.9 billion in 2013. That’s a 19% increase over the prior year and puts the total number of WiFi enabled devices up to 4 billion – and this is expected to rise 7 billion by 2017, according to research by Strategy Analytics. 59%…
Why should businesses use social media?
Media influences opinion… …there is no doubt about that. But do we mindlessly follow what is presented to us? Some media researchers used to argue that what we watch and read is fed into us like a syringe and there is little we could do to stop it. Then along…
Admiral Taverns rolls out free WiFi
Social WiFi provider, Purple WiFi, has been selected by Admiral Taverns as a supplier of WiFi solutions for its pub estate. The service will enable customers to login for free but will also deliver valuable analytical data back to the individual pubs, around customers’ online activity and profile, allowing much…