Majority of shoppers say the availability of in-store WiFi influences where they shop

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Recent research by Jiwire gives further weight to the already well known fact that people make decisions about where they spend their time, and more importantly their money, based on the availability of free in-store WiFi.

According to the study, 79.5% of mobile consumers are influenced by the availability of in-store Wi-Fi when deciding where to shop.

Use of WiFi affects purchase decisions

Figures on actual usage are even higher, with over 93% of smart phone users having used their device while in a retail store. Importantly for retailers, the main activities they undertook whilst instore were all things which may affect their purchasing decision –  price comparison, reading product reviews, looking for offers or deals to use instore and browsing the site of the host retailer.

Difference in activity by gender

The gender of the shopper has a big effect on the way the WiFi is used. Women are more likely to look for price comparisons, offers and communicate with friends whilst instore. Men have a tendency towards searching for product reviews and information on the retailer’s site.

Type of store

The research shows that electrical and clothing retailers should pay particular attention to the provision of free WiFi instore and again, gender plays a big part in customers WiFi activity. Women are more likely go online whilst clothes shopping and men have a tendency to browse in electrical retailers.

Purple WiFi

Purple WiFi’s Social WiFi solution offers a vast quantity of information about your customers – their age, location, gender, browsing activity, device, social reach and more.

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