
Category: Wayfinding

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Digital Wayfinding – One small step for the NHS but a big step for patient and staff empowerment by Mike Farrar

Whilst digital wayfinding may not as yet be common parlance in the NHS, it may be that its emergence in the coming years heralds a mindset shift of sizeable proportion on the part of Trusts and their management culture. Wayfinding refers to information systems that guide people through a physical…

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All the Benefits of Healthcare CRM

Between traditional healthcare challenges and ones the pandemic entailed, the healthcare industry strives to contain operational costs. In the midst of accelerating digitization, patients no longer evaluate providers based on medical outcomes alone, instead seeking a pleasant overall patient experience. As they become more engaged across channels and more involved…

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Croydon Health Services NHS Trust launches CHS Maps to benefit patient experience

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust has revolutionized its hospital signage by launching the country’s first interactive mapping service.

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Why VCU Health chose Purple Wayfinding to improve patient and visitor experiences

Following an international RFP search, in July of 2021 VCU Health System chose Purple to implement a wayfinding solution on its growing downtown medical campus in Richmond, Virginia. With this solution, patients and visitors can preview digital maps and directions online before they arrive and use interactive walking routes when…

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blog header patient experience
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The History of Patient Experience

Around $150bn is lost each year due to missed appointments, and $200 per missed slot for individual physicians. As populations grow and we start to live longer, the effect of missing appointments has already begun to disrupt healthcare operations, however there are ways your facility can help. What is patient…

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Purple partners with U.S. based Exit Design

Purple has teamed up with Exit Design, a leading experiential graphic design firm that produces comprehensive wayfinding and signage systems to help complex organizations promote their brand and enhance their visitor experience. Through an experience assessment, engaging with staff and patients to gather quantitative and qualitative data, Exit is able…

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Improve patient experience through healthcare digitalization

This is a summary of a private healthcare webinar, which Purple ran alongside University Hospital’s Managing Director of Innovation and Design in May. You can find the full recording of the webinar here or take a look at the transcript here. Dean quickly kicked off the webinar by introducing Shaun…

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Interview with Kip Lee, Managing Director of Innovation and Design at University Hospitals

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kip Lee, Managing Director of Innovation and Design for University Hospitals, for our webinar Improve patient experience through healthcare digitalization which you can view here. However, if you’d like to listen while reading the transcript, you can find the audio below! Dean Cookson: …

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venue navigation for healthcare and Wayfinding Technology for hospitals
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Venue navigation for healthcare: Wayfinding is improving the healthcare patient and visitor experience, but how?

Wayfinding technology for healthcare, and what wayfinding solutions for hospitals are available. See how wayfinding technology for hospitals and venue navigation for healthcare boosts patient experiences.

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Location Analytics & Services: How they can increase revenue

Discover how location analytics has revolutionized businesses with advanced LBS solutions, enhancing operations and customer experiences over 30 years.

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Missed appointments costing US healthcare $150bn per year

Even now patients with critical illnesses and symptoms staying home for fear of going to a US hospital and contracting the coronavirus.

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US Healthcare patient experience directly linked to increased revenue.

Good patient experience is an intrinsically valuable goal, and patients and visitors are increasingly emphasizing patient experience as part of care quality.

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The role of mobile wayfinding apps on College Campuses

How mobile wayfinding apps are helping colleges and universities solve navigation challenges and provide a more connected student experience.

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How indoor maps do more than guide people

Indoor maps are a useful tool, but how do they make communities stronger? Indoor maps bring people together both literally and figuratively

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Creating a safe and contactless office space for your staff and visitors

Ensure your business is on the right path for moving into a more controlled and contactless world through the use of Anayltics and Wayfinding

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