
Category: Technology

Top tips for tacking poor WiFi
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Our top tips for tackling poor WiFi

Confused about your poor WiFi access? Sick of waiting for video streams to load? Fed up of only ever having one bar of signal on your phone or laptop? According to the WiFi experts you need to look mainly at two things – your speed and your range. It’s no…

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Exploring privacy issues as a public WiFi provider
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Exploring privacy issues as a public WiFi provider

With the proliferation of WiFi enabled devices, data usage and surge in internet connectivity worldwide, and the predictions of how everything from our refrigerators to our cars will soon be connected to the internet, the ‘privacy debate’ is becoming more important than ever. With shocking personal data thefts being reported…

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The History of WiFi
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The History of WiFi

We've come to expect a standard degree of connectivity wherever we go, and regularly rely on WiFi to maintain our productivity, our organization, our health, and even our protection

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The language of email
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The language of email

Emails – can we communicate as well as we think we can? Are you trying to be funny? Do you tend to be sarcastic? Or are you deadly serious when sending your emails? A Journal of Personality and Social Psychology report found that people greatly overestimate their ability to convey…

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Can WiFi relieve the pressure on mobile networks? The data mountain
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Can WiFi relieve the pressure on mobile networks?

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt says that “we create as much information every two days as we did from the dawn of civilisation up to 2003”. Schmidt also comments that the real issue contributing to the data mountain is the amount of user-generated content due to social media websites. Developing, sharing…

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Ask the experts: just how close is the Internet of Everything?
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Ask the experts: just how close is the Internet of Everything?

Last month Gavin gave us an overview of the “Internet of Things” (also known as the “Internet of Everything”) and what it could mean for everyday life. But how far from the revolution are we? We spoke to some experts to find out. You’ve probably heard it being mentioned a few…

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Purple WiFi to deliver WiFi offering for City of York as part of Pinacl Solutions partnership
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Purple WiFi to deliver WiFi offering for City of York as part of North partnership

April 23, 2014: Purple WiFi, the cloud-based Social WiFi software company will be working with North, one of the UK’s leading Managed Services Providers, and Ruckus Wireless, the global WiFi technology pioneer, to deliver a secure and legal Social WiFi solution for City of York Council. The fully supported service…

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Guest WiFi Risks|||||||||
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Risks of providing free customer WiFi in Australia

It’s a little known fact outside of the land down under that WiFi is an Australian invention. The Australian Government’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) invented and patented wireless LAN technology in the 1990s. Today, WiFi is nearly ubiquitous in Australia as households and businesses use the technology…

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WiFi captive portal
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Splash page and e-shots – new functionality explained

Purple WiFi is always innovating, changing and adapting to new technology. We’re keen to give our customers and resellers the tools they need to make the Purple WiFi product work for them. That’s why we’re introducing a brand new splash page and e-shots. Dom, our Training Manager, will be organising…

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Can stores compete with online shopping?
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Can stores really compete with online shopping?

Facts and figures Today’s newly released ONS (Office of National Statistics) retail figures show a clear upward trend in the retail market, with an increase of 3.7% compared to February 2013.  Increasingly customers are more confident in spending their money and inflation in stores is at an all time low.…

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Ask the experts: just how close is the Internet of Everything?
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The Internet of Things

Global shipments of WiFi enabled devices hit 1.9 billion in 2013. That’s a 19% increase over the prior year and puts the total number of WiFi enabled devices up to 4 billion – and this is expected to rise 7 billion by 2017, according to research by Strategy Analytics. 59%…

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Hotspot 2.0
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Hotspot 2.0, Passpoint and Next Generation Hotspot

So what is Hotspot 2.0, how does it relate to Passpoint and Next Generation Hotspot (NGH) and – what’s all the fuss about? Confused? You’d be forgiven if you were and would be in good company. Firstly, I will explain how they are related. Hotspot 2.0 is an initiative driven…

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Four clever things that mobiles may do in the future

Are we near the time when your mobile phone is literally an extension of oneself? It is close to being the only thing you need to leave the house with. As we become ever reliant on that smart little box, things are about to improve: 1. Smart Phones can open…

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7 Gadgets Tech Heads Need This Christmas
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7 Gadgets Tech Heads Need This Christmas

So 2013 is soon coming to an end. Whilst there’s been a great range of gadgets and gizmos released, it’s a simple, sad fact that you just can’t have all of them. Well, unless you are Bill Gates. Then you can have all the things. However, with the festive season…

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WiFi usage increase
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WiFi usage increase with the introduction of 4G

With mobile operators launching 4G, you won’t be surprised to hear that we’ve been carefully watching the effect of this on WiFi usage. The new capabilities of 4G have resulted in the launch of smartphones with larger screens, higher speed mobile broadband, richer applications and an improved user experience. As…

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