
Category: WiFi Technology

||||||Purple WiFi feature release - December 2019|
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December: Features, reports and enhancements within the Purple platform

Here’s a summary of the features and updates we have been working on and showcasing throughout December. MicroSurvey node in LogicFlow Using the Microsurvey node available in LogicFlow, users can present a specific Microsurvey to visitors during the access journey based on demographic criteria. For example, a user can display…

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WiFi data is improving commercial performance in physical venues

WiFi data and analytics have been around for several years, but it’s only in the past couple of years that businesses have started to utilize their potential for improving their guest experience, staff efficiencies and increase the return rate of their customers.  What is WiFi data and analytics? WiFi analytics…

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Indoor GPS Navigation
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Wayfinding Technology – What is it?

Wayfinding is defined as information that assists with guiding people in a physical environment or enhancing their experience within it, you know the signs they have in hospitals that ensure you don’t end up on an operating table instead of the x-ray department? Technology is putting a new spin on…

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California introduces new data security laws.
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California Introduces New Data Privacy Laws

With great data, comes great responsibility… Since Purple’s beginning in 2012, data security has been at the forefront of our business and we’ve always gone a step further by providing guests the moment they log in with an easy to read and digestible terms of business and privacy policy which…

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Guest WiFi Risks|||||||||
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October: New features, reports and enhancements within the Purple platform

It’s been a very busy month for Purple. We have released a number of new features and reports within the platform and have introduced some great updates to enhance our current reporting suite. Here’s what we have been working on. New features & reports Custom field selection Custom field selection…

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Purple and Coverage Points partner with Foodics

Purple and Coverage Points, a Purple approved partner, are pleased to announce a new partnership with Foodics. Foodics offer a cloud-based, all-in-one restaurant management system for Apple iPads that boasts a number of features including POS, timesheets, inventory management and smart analytics.  Since inception in 2014, Foodics has revolutionized the…

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Purple partners with Vertel on $1m WiFi project for Reflections Holiday Parks

Reflections Holiday Parks has committed almost $1 million to create a new WiFi infrastructure across four of its holiday parks along the NSW North Coast, partnering with Vertel and Purple. Reflections Holiday Parks CEO, Steve Edmonds, said the new WiFi infrastructure was successfully up and running at Forster Beach, Seal…

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The biggest digital transformation must-haves for 2019

The world is changing, and with it comes big changes to the world of business. If you’re not using the best digital tools for your organization, you’re already falling behind. Focusing on incorporating digital strategy into your business routine could increase your revenue by nearly 25%, but it will also…

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Purple, Cisco and AT&T provide guest WiFi and analytics to Hudson Yards

Purple, Cisco and AT&T have partnered with property development company, Related, to bring next generation visitor analytics to their Hudson Yards project in New York City.  At 28 acres and 18 million square feet, Hudson Yards is the largest private development in the history of North America. The ‘city within…

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Smart & connected communities – drivers & connectivity

As the digital world evolves, citizens and visitors of towns and cities expect and demand to be served and communicated to in a way that reflects the world around them. Access to digital services is no longer a-nice-to-have, but a necessity.  When out in public, people expect the same level…

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Domino's partner with smarter WiFi and Purple||
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Domino’s partner with Purple and Smarter WiFi

Domino’s have signed a rolling contract with hospitality guest WiFi and analytics specialists, Smarter WiFi, to install a Purple-powered WiFi solution at 10 of their sites across the UK. Rollout to further stores is expected over the coming months to expand the overall estate and help Domino’s re-engage more effectively…

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What’s the difference between a local area network and a wide area network?
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What’s the difference between a WAN and a LAN?

A LAN (Local Area Network), is a network that covers a small geographical area such as homes and offices. Whereas WAN (Wide Area Network,) is a network that covers larger geographical areas.

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Improving customer communications with hyper-personalization|
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The delicate nature of customer communications

Gone are the days where you could pepper your customers with emails, SMS and other forms of communication.  Spray and pray marketing techniques will now alienate your customer base, see your email domains blacklisted and could very well land you in deep trouble with regulators, not to mention the potential…

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Social login access journey|Purple run rate graph
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Improve your guest WiFi access journey with social login

Social login capabilities on captive portals are a great way of increasing login rates. By using pre-existing social network logins such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, you allow users to seamlessly connect to your guest WiFi network. Simply speaking, social login takes all the effort out of signing into…

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Tracking customer footfall
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How to increase customer engagement using WiFi analytics

Do you offer free WiFi access in your public building? Whether it’s a cafe, a supermarket, a bowling alley or a cinema, you’re missing out on valuable user data if you’re not using WiFi analytics to assess the preferences and behaviors of your customers. Allowing a customer to log-in to…

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